Dr. Menke
“So, a lot of people have this mistaken belief that our patients get what deserve. They don’t understand that Opioid Use Disorder is a brain disease and our patients didn’t choose to get this disease. They may have chosen to use opioids at one point, but by the time it’s become a disease, their brain is changed and they’re no longer choosing to use.”
Stephanie Buergers
“If people listening to this actually look at the research, it’s incredible what you see in there, what it does, and how it’s saved people, and how many overdoses it’s prevented from happening and the bridge to treatment. It offers that compassionate, non-judgemental, and non-stigmatized approach to helping those in addiction”
Dr. Menke
“Knowledge is the cure for ignorance. And that’s what it is in general. People just don’t understand the disease, and therefore they treat our patients like they’re bad people instead of patients with bad diseases.”
Stephanie Buergers
“Speaking to policy makers, speaking with legislators, speaking even with town boards locally. Just starting small and expanding.”